How to Get Free Akismet Api Key for WordPress in Sri Lanka

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Written By Alston

I’m a Sri Lankan providing answers to fellow Sri Lankans about our country.

When I started blogging I was facing lot of spam comments.

Then I learned Akismet helps to get rid of spam for free.

In this article I will tell you how to get Free Akismet API Key for WordPress Blog.

When you start writing unique and good article, automatically your visitor’s number increases and if people find your blog interesting I am sure they express their opinion via comments but sometime many of them are spam and are harmful for your WordPress database and setting.

I faced this problem just before few days i.e. my wp-comments-post.php file got blank suddenly which disabled my comment section and visitors were not able to comment further.

Also I was getting many request from my visitors that how to protect spam comments in WordPress. So I came up with the solutions and it is Akismet Plugin for WordPress.

Akismet is one of the best anti-spam WordPress Plugin which is not essential and but also highly recommended. Spam comment are the comments on which visitor promote their own website/blog link on your website, once your blog goes live you will start watching may of spam comments which look real and genuine.

And believe me Akismet is one of the best solution to protect your website from spam.

Akismet is an official plugin provided by Automatic the parent company of WordPress.

The Akismet plugin is totally free but in the past few months they have change the way of getting free Akismet API key.

I got information from some sources that Automatic is planning to make Akismet a commercial plugin and this is the reason they ask you choose some donation plans.

But I will give you a simple trick to get Free Akismet API Key.

Now I am going to be very quick. Earlier it was very easy to get Free Akismet API Key by signing up for a free account on, but now the method is changed and they have setup a ideal site for akismet and even they removed free sign up button. Even pricing page, doesn’t show any free plan.

Easiest Way to Get Free Akismet API Key

Akismet is the plugin which you get with WordPress as a complementary and without API key you can’t activate the Akismet.

So to activate Akismet you must add API key and start using anti-spam plugin.

Now the actual process begin, when you click on Get API key, you will be directed to Akismet website, but you will not find any free option.

Click on Get Started option, on right side you see a slider. Just move the slider from $36 to $0, and your payment option will be done. Finally click on Continue button.

Once you clicked on continue button on the spot you will get API key on screen and you will get one more option i.e. automatically integrate the API key into Akismet.

You will also receive the Akismet API key via Email. And If you ever lost your Akismet API key, you can use this link to recover lost API key.

Congratulations you got Free Akismet API Key. Now quickly integrate it and protect you blog from spam comments.

I hope this article helped you in getting Free Akismet API Key. If you have any questions, then please feel free to ask by leaving a comment below.

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